To THE next version of your evolution

Things don’t always get easier, but you get better. The next version of you is waiting and I can’t wait to meet her.




step into your power


embrace life’s pivots

feeling Lost in Life's Transitions?

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the seismic shifts in your life, whether it's a career change, the aftermath of a divorce, or a deep-seated desire for personal growth, you're not alone. I've been there – in the depths of uncertainty, searching for answers and a way forward. My journey through these turbulent times has equipped me with the empathy and insight to guide you through your own. Together, we'll find the strength to embrace change, rebuild from the ground up, and step into a future that's brighter and more fulfilling than you ever imagined.


NO. 1

You're standing at a crossroads, unsure which path to take next in your career or personal life.

NO. 2

The echo of a life-changing event, like a divorce or job loss, has left you questioning your identity and purpose.

NO. 3

You crave a sense of renewal and fulfillment but feel stuck in the routine of your current experience.

What if I told you there could be another way?

What if there could be another way to navigate life's complex transitions? A way that doesn't just lead you out of the darkness but towards a version of yourself you've always aspired to be. From career mentorship that elevates your professional presence to compassionate support through personal upheavals like divorce and single parenting, and even personal styling to reflect your inner transformation – I offer a holistic approach to reinvention. My goal is to empower you with the tools, confidence, and wisdom to not just survive these changes but to thrive in them, crafting a life that's as fulfilling as it is authentic.


Here’s how we can work together

Career Transformation mentorship

Tailored guidance for career advancement, including resume and LinkedIn optimization and strategic positioning for career transitions.

Career Transformation Mentorship is designed for individuals at pivotal career junctures. Whether you're re-entering the workforce, climbing the corporate ladder, or shifting industries, Alex provides personalized support to refine your resume, enhance your LinkedIn profile, and strategically position yourself in the job market. Her approach combines practical tools with insightful strategies, empowering you to confidently step into your next professional chapter.

Mentorship is done via hourly office hours and must be paid prior to the scheduled time.

$75 per hour.

Navigating Changes: Divorce + Single Parenting Support

Alex offers a supportive space for those dealing with the complexities of divorce and single parenting. Drawing from her personal experiences and professional expertise, Alex provides empathetic guidance and practical strategies to help you manage the emotional and logistical aspects of these life transitions. Her mentorship focuses on fostering resilience, rebuilding self-confidence, and creating a balanced and fulfilling life for both you and your family.

Mentorship is done via hourly office hours and must be paid prior to the scheduled time.

$75 per hour.

Personal Style Reinvention

Personalized styling services to help you confidently express your evolving identity and step into your next life chapter with style. This styling service is more than just a makeover; it's a journey to discovering and expressing your true self through fashion. Whether you're transitioning in your career, stepping into a new personal season, or simply seeking a fresh start, Alex works with you to curate a style that reflects your unique personality and lifestyle. This service includes wardrobe assessment, style advice, and shopping guidance, all tailored to help you feel confident and authentic in your new look.

Styling services are custom-quoted depending on your needs.


Let Alex inspire, educate, and motivate your audience.

KEynote topics

Interested in Booking ALex To Speak?

  • In this insightful keynote, Alex shares her personal journey and practical strategies for identifying and harnessing your unique skills to seamlessly transition into new career opportunities. Learn how to turn your existing talents into powerful tools for professional reinvention and growth.

  • In this engaging keynote, Alex Vailas explores the power of vulnerability in building genuine connections online, while maintaining personal boundaries. Learn practical tips for sharing your story with integrity and impact, without compromising your privacy in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

  • In this dynamic keynote, Alex Vailas unveils the multifaceted nature of her career path, highlighting that while there's no one-size-fits-all formula for success, a multitude of golden opportunities and strategies can pave the way. Gain insights into how embracing a variety of experiences and skills can lead to a rich and rewarding professional life.

  • Alex Vailas shares her journey from digital spaces to physical shelves, revealing key lessons in brand marketing along the way. Discover the unique challenges and triumphs of transitioning from online to in-store, and learn how to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of retail marketing.


Deemed Business Insider and InStyle Magazine’s Top Pinner, I’ve helped countless brands such as Target, Home Depot, and Anthropologie create digital content that keeps consumers wanting more and making products fly off the shelves.

Leverage the power of Pinterest for yourself through my Pinterest marketing curriculum on Creative Live!

Upping Your Pinterest Game with Paid Ads

Using Pinterest to Grow Your Business